Published inBlock MagnatesDeFi lending protocols — Liquidity attacks problem solvingI’m really fascinated on how the #crypto community can find a solution for the liquidity attack issue in DeFi protocols. I take this paper…Nov 27, 20221Nov 27, 20221
Il quadro generale dello sviluppo di Solidity, Ethereum e Blockchain nel 2021Panoramica delle tecnologie, dei servizi e degli strumenti più importanti che devi conoscereSep 9, 2021Sep 9, 2021
Come installare GO (golang) su qualsiasi Sistema OperativoGo è un linguaggio di programmazione sviluppato da Google.Mar 28, 2020Mar 28, 2020
IT Security: Twonky Server unprotected servers open on the webAfter a brief Shodan safari I hunted more than 4000 unprotected (no login/password protected) Twonky media server are running wild on the…Nov 30, 2019Nov 30, 2019
GO: Check if a number is primeChecking if a number is prime in the fastest and most efficient way is a trivial task for every programming language. Go offers math…Oct 29, 2019Oct 29, 2019
GO: slices explained — Part 1In this GO (golang) tutorial I will showcase slices and their usage.Oct 23, 2019Oct 23, 2019
GO: Check if a number is primeChecking if a number is prime in the fastest and most efficient way is a trivial task for every programming language. Go offers math…Oct 21, 2019Oct 21, 2019